1. | (Maimonides) | Die Anzahl der Gebote nach Maimonides und der Inhalt des Jad-Haghasakkah | St. Petersburg 1852, 112 p. + 66 p. (in hebrew) | |
2. | (Mandelstam, L.J.) | Auszuge aus (Maimonides')... Jad Haghasakha, die starke Hand. 4 in 5 vols., | St. Petersburg 1850-52, 524 + 96; 604; 467 + 11; 1022 p. | |
3. | - | Some accounts of the writings of Maimonides | London (1838), 38 p. | |
4. | Amzalak, Moses Bensabat (ed.) | Maimonides da Lei Divina. Traduccao hespanhola de David Cohen de lara novamente impressa e con uma intraducca | Lisbon 1925, 27 + 146 p. | |
5. | Bloch, Arnold; Klein, Hyman | Maimonides' Laws of Inheritance | London 1950, 39 p. (Hebrew text with translation). | |
6. | Compiegne de Veil, Ludovicus de | R. Mosis Maimonides opuscula selecta | Trajecti Batavorum (Utrecht) 1713, 8 + 1048 p. | |
7. | Compiegne de Veil, Ludovicus de (tr.) | Ex Rabbi Mosis Majemonidae opere, quod secunda lex, sive manus fortis inscribitur, tractatus de consecratione calendarum et de ratione intercalandi | Paris 1669, 30 + 251 p. | |
8. | Compiegne de Veil, Ludovicus de (tr.) | R. Mosis Majemonidae de sacrificiis liber. Accesserunt Abarbanelis exordii seu proemium commentariorum in Leviticum, et Majemonidae tractatus de consideratione calendarum | London 1683, 12 + 450 p.; Amsterdam 170l, 12 + 450 p. | |
9. | Compiegne de Veil, Ludovicus de (tr.) | Hebraeorum de connubiis jus civile et Pontificium [translation of Mishne Torah] | Paris 1673; 2nd ed. London 1677; 3rd ed. idem 1683* | |
10. | Compiegne de Veil, Ludovicus de (tr.) | De cultu divino ex R. Mosis Majemonidae secunda lege seu manu forti liber VIII | Paris 1678, 14 + 584 + 6 p. | |
11. | Dienstag, Jacob J. | Christian translators of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah into Latin | Salo Wittmayer Baron Jubilee volume, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Jerusalem 1974, vol. 1, p. 287-309 | |
12. | Dithmar, Justus Christoph (tr.) | הלכות שבועות id est constitutiones de jurejurando ex R. Mosis Maimonidis opere יד החזקה dicto, latine redditae variisque notis illustratae | Leiden 1706, 12 + 226 + 4 p. | |
13. | Frankfurter, Salomon | Mose ben Maimuni's Mischnakommentar zum Tractat Kethuboth. Arabischer Urtext... mit... Ubersetzung des Jacob ibn Abassi... deutscher Ubersetzung.. | Dissertation 2 vols., Berlin 1903, 40 p. + 16 p. (in Hebrew); 96 p. + 20 p. (in Hebrew) | |
14. | Freudmann, Gottfried | Maimonides' Commentar zum Tractat Kethuboth Abschnitt VI-VIII. Arabischer Urtext nebst Hebr. Ubersetzung... ins Deutsche ubertragen,.. | Dissertation Berlin 1904, 43 p. + 20 p. (in Hebrew) | |
15. | Garbatti, A. | Maimonides' Kommentar zum Traktat Edujoth Abschnitt V und VI... im arabischen Urtext... mit Hebr. Ubersetzung.. | Berlin 1906, 40 p. + 19 p. (in Hebrew) | |
16. | Glatzer, Nahum Norbert (ed.) | Maimonides said (an anthology) | N.Y. 1941, 94 p. | |
17. | Glazer, Simon | Book of Mishna Torah Yod ha-hazakah by... Moses son of Maimon. Vol. 1, | N.Y. 1927, 44 p. (in Hebrew) + 446, 12 p. | |
18. | Gorfinkle, Joseph I. (ed.) | The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics | N.Y. 1912, 102 p + 55 p. (in Hebrew). | |
19. | Gorlin, Morris (ed.) | Maimonides 'On Sexual Intercourse' - Fi'l-Jima, translated from the Arabic.. | Brooklyn, N.Y. 1961, 128 p. | |
20. | Hershman, Abraham M. | The Book of Judges | The Code of Maimonides, Book 14. New Haven-London 1949, 25 + 335 p. | |
21. | Hirt, Johann Friedrich | ;הלכות אישות פרק עשירי seu, Rabbi Mosis ben Maimon Tractatus de matrimonio ebraeorum caput decimum. Adiecta sunt puncta vocalia et accentus, versio latina nec non annotationes multae, ita ut instar commentationes de nuptiis Ebraeorum | Jena 1746, 3 + 52 p. | |
22. | Klein, Hyman | The Code of Maimonides, Book 2: The Book of Torts | New Haven-London 1954, 17 + 299 p. | |
23. | Klein, Isaac | The Code of Maimonides, Book 12: The Book of Acquisition | New Haven-London 1951, 15 + 435 p. | |
24. | Klein, Isaac | The Code of Maimonides, Book 4: The Book of Women | New Haven-London 1972, 17 + 506 p. | |
25. | Klien, B.D. | The Code of Maimonides, Book 6: The Book of Asseverations | New Haven-London 1962, 25 + 273 p. | |
26. | Lambert, Elie (trad.) | Moses Maimonides: Hilchat Melachim. Les lois concernant les rois et la guerre, trad. Francaise | Metz 1865, 11 + 20 p. | |
27. | Lampel, Zvi (tr.) | Maimonides' introduction to the Talmud, a translation of the Rambam's introduction to his commentary on the Mishna | N.Y. 1987, 249 + 37 p. | |
28. | Lewy, Immanuel | Mose ben Maimni's Mischnah-Kommentar zum Traktat Baba Bathra (Kpp. V-X) | Berlin 1907, 67 p. + 37 p. (in Hebrew charact.) | |
29. | Leydekker, Melchior (tr.) | Rabbi M. Maimonidis Tractatus de regibus Hebraeorum eoromque bellis... praesertim de Rege Messias | Rotterdam 1699 | |
30. | Maius, Jo. Henricus | ,הלכות שמיטה ויובל sive R. Mosis filii Maimon Tractatus de iuribis anni septimi et iubilaei. Textum Hebraeum addidit, in sermonem latinum vertit | Frankf.a.M. 1708, 10 + 148 + 20 p. | |
31. | Mieg, Johann Friedrich (tr.) | R. Mosis Maimonidis tractatus de juramentis, secundum leges Hebraeorum qui in Corpore juris Maimoniano primus est partis sextae: latine versus et notis.. | Heidelberg 1672, 16 + 146 p. | |
32. | Rabinowitz, J.J. | The Book of civil laws. The Code of Maimonides, Book 13 | New Haven-London 1949, 24 + 345 p. | |
33. | Rawicz, M. | Der Kommentar des Maimonides zu den Spruchen der Vater, zum ersten Male ins Deutsche ubertragen | Freiburg i.Br. 1910, 114 p. | |
34. | Sanger, Jacob | Mose ben Maimun's Mischnah-Kommentar zum Traktat Baba Bathra (Kap. 1-4). Arabischer Urtext mit hebr. Ubers., nebst krit. und erlaut. Anmerk | Berlin 1912, 86 p. + 37 p. (in Hebrew) | |
35. | Simon, J. | Der Mischna-Commentar des Maimonides zum Traktat Moed Katan und zum Traktat Sabbath, 5, 6, 7 | Frankf.a.M.-Berlin 1902, 8 p. + 33 p. (in Hebrew) | |
36. | Soloweyczik, Elias (ed.) | Moses Maimonides' Yad-Hachazakah or Mishne Torah (selection) | 2 vols. in 1, London 1863, 15 + 222 p. | |
37. | Soloweyczik, Elias (ed.) | Moses Maimonides' Hilchoth Melachim | London 1863, 47 p. | |
38. | Soloweyczyk, Elias | Moses Maimonides Jad Hachasakah oder Mischna Thora, vol. 1: Maddah, oder von der Erkenntnis | Konigsberg 1846, 9 + 193 p. | |
39. | Weill, Ernst | Der Commentar des Maimonides zum Tractat Berachoth. Arab. Text m. hebr. Ubers. und Anmerk | Berlin 1891, 33 p. + 38 p. (in Hebrew) | |
40. | Weisz, Moritz | Maimonides' Commentar zum Tractat Sanhedrin, vol. 1 | Dissertation Halle 1893, 17 p. + 23 p. (in Hebrew) | |
41. | Wolff, Aron | Mischne Thora; oder Jad Hachasaka von... Maimonides, vol. 4: Das j?dische Civil- und Strafrecht | Haigerloch 1890, 14 + 316 + 4 p. | |
42. | Wolff, M[aurice] (ed.) | Moses ben Maimun's (Maimonides) Acht Capitel. Arabisch und Deutsch | Leipzig 1863, 8 + 109 p.; 2nd ed. Leiden 1903, 15 + 96 + 38 p.; 3rd. enl. ed. Hamburg 1981 | |