1. | - | Jewish divorce and the civil law | De Paul Law Review 12 (1962-63), p. 295-305 | |
2. | - | Jewish religious divorce and American jurisprudence: a comparative study | Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 7 (1984), p. 351-377 | |
3. | - | Justification and excuse in the Judaic and common law: the exculpation of a defendant charged with homicide | N.Y. University Law Review 52 (1977), p. 599-628 | |
4. | - | The rights of the individual under American, Israeli, and halakhic law | Congress Monthly 45,3 (1978), p. 4-8: Lichtenstein, Aharon, The halakhic perspective | |
5. | Allen, Isaac | Comparisons between talmudic and American law | Tel Aviv-N.Y. 1960, 67 p. (Engl. sect. of a Hebr. book, Otzar Hamishpat no. 3501) | |
6. | Auerbach, Charles | The Talmud - a gateway to the common law | Western Reserve Law Review 3 (1951), p. 5-49; repr. Cleveland 1952, 49 p. | |
7. | Auerbach, Leopold | Das j?dische Obligationenrecht nach den Quellen und mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des romischen und deutschen Rechts. Vol 1: Umriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte des j?dischen Rechts; Die Natur der Obligation | Berlin 1870, 20 + 627 p.; 2nd ed. 1876, 16 + 22 + 626 p.; photo-repr. Gedera 1976, with introduction by Abraham M. Fuss | |
8. | Bailey, S.J. | Hebrew law and its influence on the law of England | Law Quarterly Review 47 (1931), p. 533-535 | |
9. | Baron, A. Frank | Treatment of Jewish law in American decisions | Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 85-96 | |
10. | Bartholomew, G.W. | Application of Jewish law in England | Malaya University Law Review 3 (1961), p. 83-111 | |
11. | Bent, H. | Divorce and Jewish law: A study in comparative jurisprudence | Law Magazine and Review 23 (1898), p. 317 ff.* | |
12. | Bentwich, Norman | The recognition of Jewish law in private international jurisprudence | Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation = Journal of Comparative Legislation, N.S. 14 (1914), p. 304-313 | |
13. | Bentwich, Norman | The application of Jewish personal law in the British, French and Italian Empire | Juridical Review 53 (1941), p. 118-133 | |
14. | Bleich, J. David | Jewish divorce: judicial misconceptions and possible means of civil enforcement | Connecticut Law Review 16 (1983-84), p. 201-289 | |
15. | Bleich, J. David | A suggested antenuptial agreement: a proposal in wake of Avitzur | Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 7 (1984), p. 25-41 | |
16. | Braz, Isaac | The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American law; the influence of Jewish law | In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 161-168 | |
17. | Broyde, Channah Sageev | The role of children in making health care decisions: a comparative study | National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 123-135 | |
18. | Cohen, Hermann | Some notes on resemblances of Hebrew and English law | Jewish Quarterly Review 20 (1908), p. 784-797 | |
19. | Colorni, Vittore | Legge ebraica e leggi locali. Ricerche sull'ambito d'applicazione del diritto ebraico in Italia dall'epoca romana al secolo XIX | Milano 1945, 391 p. | |
20. | Diamond, A.S. | Law and everyday life in the Hebrew kingdoms and 12th century England | Remember the days; essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth, 1966, p. 1-22 | |
21. | Dick, Judah | Halacha and the conventional last will and testament | Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 2,1 (1982), p. 5-18 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 278-291 | |
22. | Edles, Gary J. | Biblical parallels in American law | N.Y. State Bar Journal 49 (1977), p. 644-664 = Case and Comment 84 (1979), p. 10-17* | |
23. | Ehrman, A. | Christian interest in Rabbinics: John Selden (1585-1654) | Christian News from Israel 13,1 (1962), p. 22-25 | |
24. | Ehrman, A. | Gentile interest in Jewish law: a chapter from Selden's 'De Successionibus' | Christian News from Israel 13,3-4 (1962), p. 31-37 | |
25. | Ellenson, David; Ellenson, James S. | American courts and the enforceability of a Ketubah; an investigation of recent U.S. court decisions | Conservative Judaism 35,3 (1982), p. 35-42 | |
26. | Engel, Diana R. | Marital property rights in Jewish law: a survey and comparison | National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 97-120 | |
27. | Falk, Zeev W. | Jewish divorce in a Canadian court: Morris v. Morris (1973) Winnipeg Q.B. (1973) 3 W.W.R. 526 | Israel Law Review 9 (1974) p. 440-443 | |
28. | Fehr, Hans | Deutsches Recht und j?disches Recht | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, (Germanist. Abt.) 39 (1918), p. 314-318 | |
29. | Finestein, Israel | An aspect of the Jews and English marriage law during the Emancipation: The prohibited degrees | Jewish Journal of Sociology 7 (1965), p. 3-21 | |
30. | Foltin, Richard | Legal reasoning in Talmud and common law | Nitzanim 2 (1983), p. 85-97 | |
31. | Frankel, Emil | Das j?dische Eherecht nach dem Reichscivilehegesetz vom 6. Februar 1875 | Munchen 1891, 128 p. | |
32. | Frazer, Barbara | Avitzur v. Avitzur; Jewish divorce and First Amendment | Rutgers Law Review 36 (1983-84), p. 887-914 | |
33. | Freeman, M.D.A. | The status of a foreign 'Get' in Belgium | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 228-229 | |
34. | Freeman, M.D.A. | Jews and the law of divorce in England | Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 276-288 | |
35. | Frenkel, Anna | Beth Din and the Australian court | Bridge (Sidney) 3,3-4 (1967), p. 45-48 | |
36. | Friedell, Steven F. | The First Amendment and Jewish divorce; a comment on Stern v. Stern | Journal of Family Law 18 (1979-80), p. 525-535 | |
37. | Friedell, Steven F. | Jewish divorce in American courts - the New York experience | Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 25-28 | |
38. | Frimer, Dov I. | A selected English bibliography on the enforcement of Jewish divorce in the secular courts | Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), Engl. sect., p. 127-129 | |
39. | Frimer, Dov I. | Medical examinations by order of the court and the right to privacy: the common law and Jewish law experienced | Israel Law Review 17 (1982), p. 96-103 | |
40. | Glaser, Joseph B. | A new/old look at the Fifth Amendment - some help from the past | Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 29-40 | |
41. | Goldfarb, Daniel C. | The definition of death in the common law and Jewish tradition | Conservative Judaism 30,2 (1976), p. 10-22. | |
42. | Goodman, Lenn Evan | Equality and human rights: the Lockean and the Judaic views | Judaism 25 (1976), p. 357-362 | |
43. | Gordon, James M. | The right of the first refusal in condominium law and Matzranut - a comparative analysis | Decalogue Journal 33 (October 1987), p. 24-29 | |
44. | Gordon, James W. | Mosaic code; some analogies and contrasts | Virginia State Bar Association 45 (1933), p. 218-249* | |
45. | Grafman, L. Elliot | Influence of Mosaic law upon the current legal systems | John Marshall Law Quarterly 2 (1937), p. 351-362* | |
46. | Halberstam, Malvina | The rationale for excluding incriminating statements; U.S. law compared to Jewish law | In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 177-190 | |
47. | Haut, Irwin H. | Not getting a 'Get' can be a Jewish family law problem | New York Law Journal (August 17, 1981), p. 1 ff.* | |
48. | Henriques, H.S.Q. | The Jews and the English law | Oxford 1908, 25 + 324 p.; repr. 1974 | |
49. | Henriques, H.S.Q. | Jewish marriages and the English law | London 1909, 59 p. | |
50. | Herzog, Isaac | John Selden and Jewish law | Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation = Journal of Comparative Legislation 3rd ser. 13 (1931), p. 236-245 = Judaism, law and ethics, London-Jerusalem-N.Y. 1974, p. 65-79 | |
51. | Isaacs, Nathan | The influence of Judaism on Western law | In: The legacy of Israel, Oxford 1927, p. 377-406. | |
52. | Jacobs, Louis | The talmudic hermeneutical rule of 'Binyan Abh' and J.S. Mill's 'Method of Agreement' | Journal of Jewish Studies 4 (1953), p. 59-64 = Studies in talmudic logic and methodology, London 1961, p. 9-15 | |
53. | Jones, David Phillip; Johnson, Alastair Bissett | Re: Morris and Morris: a case comment | McGill Law Journal 23 (1977), p. 110-117 | |
54. | Jung, Moses (ed.) | The Jewish law of theft, with comparative references to Roman and English law | Philadelphia 1929, 6 + 145 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 1-151. | |
55. | Jurkowitz, Jed. W. | Talmudic and American tort | Arizona Law Journal 10 (1968), p. 473-483 | |
56. | Kadouch, Lucien | Divorce juif et tribunaux civils francais | Montrouge 1935, 172 p. | |
57. | Kahan, Linda S. | Jewish divorce and secular courts: the promise of Avitzur | Georgetown Law Journal 73 (1984-85), p. 193-224 | |
58. | Kahana, Koppel | Three great systems of jurisprudence (Jewish, Roman, English) | London 1955, 12 + 199 p. | |
59. | Kahane, Yehuda; Munk, Nathan; Slae, Menachem | Estimating bodily damages according to Jewish law: a comparative legal study | Jewish Law Association Studies 2 (1986), p. 103-141 | |
60. | Katz-Halpern, Marcos David | Algunos aspectos comperativos entre el derecho procesal penal hebreo y el mexicano | Dissertation Mexico 1979, 7 + 354 p. | |
61. | Kisch, Guido | The influence of the Bible on medieval legal thought in England and Germany | 8eme Congres International des Sciences historiques (n.d.), p. 473-475 | |
62. | Kogan, Michael S. | Liberty and labor in the Jewish tradition | Ideas (Spring 1975), 8 p. | |
63. | Konvitz, Milton R. | Torah and Constitution; an American bicentennial lecture | Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 38 (1976), p. 54-67 | |
64. | Lamm, Norman | The Fifth Amendment and its equivalent in the Halakhah | Judaism 5 (1956), p. 53-59 | |
65. | Lamm, Norman; Kirschenbaum, Aaron | Freedom and constraint in the Jewish judicial process | Cardozo Law Review 1 (1979), p. 99-133 | |
66. | Lehmann, Robert D. | Recognition of Bet Din jurisdiction in Kashrut matters (France) | Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 234-236 | |
67. | Levinthal, Israel Herbert | The Jewish law of agency, with special reference to the Roman and the common law | Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 13 (1922-23), p. 117-191 = N.Y. 1923, 89 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 1 (1972), p. 1-89 | |
68. | Levy, Renee | Le divorce juif et les conflits des lois qu'il peut engendrer | Paris 1929, 2 + 187 p.* | |
69. | Lewis, Mark F. | 'To do justly'; the resolution of Jewish problems in American courts | Judaism 29 (1980), p. 110-121 | |
70. | Lewis, Mark F. | Kashrut and controversy [American courts on the right to give Hechsher] | Judaism 34 (1985), p. 334-343 | |
71. | Lincoln, F. Ashe | The Starra, their effect on early English law and administration | London 1939, 16 + 152 p. | |
72. | Lipschutz, Naphtali | Equity in Jewish, Roman and English law | Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jewish Law, p. IX,1-IX,4 | |
73. | Maidment, Susan | Jewish marriage and divorce in English law | Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 93-121 | |
74. | Mandelbaum, Simcha | The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American and Jewish law | American Journal of Comparative Law 5 (1956), p. 115-119 | |
75. | Marmorstein, Bruno | A study in comparative law: Assessment of damage in English and Jewish law | L'eylah 2,6 (5744), p. 16-20 | |
76. | Meislin, Bernard | The Ten Commandments in American law | In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 109-120 | |
77. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Parallels between talmudic and New York usury laws | Comparative Studies in Society and History 9 (1966-67), p. 84-100 | |
78. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Jewish law of marriage in American courts | Journal of Family Law 11 (1971), p. 271-284 | |
79. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Jewish law in American tribunals | Israel Law Review 7 (1972), p. 349-360 | |
80. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Jewish law in American tribunals | N.Y. 1976, 11 + 233 p. | |
81. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Jewish divorce in American courts | Journal of Family Law 16 (1977-78), p. 19-35 | |
82. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Refusal to testify as a protected First Amendment religious right | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 219-221 | |
83. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Child custody: compelling a Jewish upbringing | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 221-223 | |
84. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Recognition of Bet Din jurisdiction | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 223-224 | |
85. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Civil courts enforcement of agreement to obtain a 'Get' | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 224-227 | |
86. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Varia Americana | Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 216-222 | |
87. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Jewish law in America | Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 147-173 | |
88. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Pursuit of the wife's right to a 'Get', in United States and Canadian courts | Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 250-271 | |
89. | Meislin, Bernard J. | United States usury laws: The Bible, Bentham and the Jews | In: Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 143-171 | |
90. | Meislin, Bernard J. | Maimonides and American case law | In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 269-283 | |
91. | Morris, Jeffrey B. | The American Jewish judge: an appraisal on the occasion of Bicentennial | Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976), p. 195-223 | |
92. | Morris, Trevor; Sher, Julian | A note on the status of Jewish marriages and divorces in the Republic of South Africa | Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), Engl. sect., p. 123-126 | |
93. | Moyse, Gabrielle; Klein, Alexandre | Le Talmud de Babylone, ses lois morales et sociales, avec articles compares des codes francais, choisis par A. Klein | Paris 1926, 12 + 137 p. | |
94. | Parker, David M. | Law of Moses as embodied in our laws | Georgia Lawyer 1 (1930), p. 150, 163* | |
95. | Perelman, Chaim | Legal ontology and legal reasoning | Israel Law Review 16 (1981), p. 356-367 | |
96. | Plato, Jonathan | Problems in the law of mistake in contracts. A study in Anglo-American law, with reference to Jewish law | Dissertation N.Y. 1957, 2 + 143 p. | |
97. | Posner, H.; Novak, David | Exclusionary rule: analysis of American and Jewish tradition | New York Law Journal 188 (1982), p. 71 ff.* | |
98. | Rabinowitz, Jacob J. | The common law mortgage and the conditional bond | University of Pennsylvania Law Review 92 (1943), p. 179-194 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 290-310 | |
99. | Rabinowitz, Jacob J. | The origin of the common law warranty of real and of the inchoate right of dower | Cornell Law Quarterly (Sept. 1944), p. 77-94 | |
100. | Rabinowitz, Jacob J. | The influence of Jewish law on the development of the common law | (Repr., n.p., n.d., p. 510-526). | |
101. | Radman, Barbara J. | Jewish divorce; what can be done in secular courts to aid the Jewish woman? | Georgia Law Review 19 (1984-85), p. 389-425 | |
102. | Sautayra, E.; Charleville, Mahir | Code rabbinique: Eben Haezer de Josef Karo, traduit par extraits... avec la jurisprudence de la cour d'Alger et des notes comparatives de droit Francais et de droit musulman. 2 vols. in 1 | Alger-Paris 1868-69 | |
103. | Schaefer, Arthur Gross | Differing concepts of adequate consideration from common law and talmudic law: De minimis versus equity | National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 79-95 | |
104. | Schechter, Martha Jean | Enforceability of religious law in secular courts - it's Kosher, but is it constitutional? | Michigan Law Review 71 (1972-73), p. 1641-1653 | |
105. | Schwartz, Helene E. | Justice by the book: aspects of Jewish and American criminal law | N.Y. 1976, 107 p. | |
106. | Schwartz, Robert | Two sources of medieval business history (The responsa of Meir of Rothenburg and the Genoese cartularies) | American Journal of Legal History 2 (1958), p. 237-255 | |
107. | Schwarz, Robert | Alfasi's responsa and the Genoese cartularies as sources of medieval business concepts | Journal of Public Law 7 (1958), p. 175-185 | |
108. | Sellar, David | Leviticus XVIII, the forbidden degrees and the law of incest in Scotland | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 229-232 | |
109. | Shapiro, Judith A. | Shetar's effect on English law - a law of the Jews became the law of the land | Georgetown Law Journal 71 (1982-83), p. 1179-1200 | |
110. | Shulman, Sandra S. | Civil involvement in Jewish divorce law | Annual Survey of American Law 4 (1985), p. 969-976 | |
111. | Spitz, Elie | Pointers for American legislation on computer privacy: Insights from Jewish law | National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 63-77 | |
112. | Spitzer, Samuel | Das Heer- und Wehrgesetz der alten Israeliten, im Vergleich zu den in Ungarn-Oesterreich bestehenden diesfalligen Bestimmungen | Pest 1869, 56 p. | |
113. | Spitzer, Samuel | Die j?dische Ehe nach mosaisch-talmudischen und den in Oesterreich bestehenden, besonders neuesten Ehegesetzen | Essek 1869, 26 p. | |
114. | Stone, Richard | American law and Halakhah: of change and permanence | Congress Monthly 45,3 (1978), p. 21-24. | |
115. | Tedeschi, Guido | Il diritto ebraico nell'Italia contemporanea | La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 12,7-9 (1937-38), p. 145-163 | |
116. | Thiel, Jo. Siegismund | Principia jurisprudentiae judaicae per Germaniam communis | Halle 1790* | |
117. | Topol, Allan J. | Jewish law: a misapplication in New York | Israel Law Review 4 (1969), p. 578-582 | |
118. | Tuchman, Is. N. | Jewish law custom and the courts of New York | Master Thesis, Yeshiva University 1975* | |
119. | Warburg, Ronald | Child custody: a comparative analysis | Israel Law Review 14 (1979), p. 480-503 | |
120. | Warmflash, Lawrence M. | The New York approach to enforcing religious marriage contracts; from Avitzur to the Get statute | Brooklyn Law Review 50 (1984), p. 229-253 | |
121. | Weiss, Abner | Affirmative action: halakhic perspectives | Tradition 17,3 (1978), p. 7-22 | |
122. | Wohlgemuth, Joseph | Das j?dische Strafrecht und die positive Strafrechtsschule | Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage Abraham Berliners, 1903, p. 364-376 | |
123. | Yankwich, Leon R. | An American judge looks at the Talmud | Los Angeles 1936, 20 p. | |