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ה. משפט השוואתי > משפט המערב

1. Jewish divorce and the civil law  De Paul Law Review 12 (1962-63), p. 295-305  
2. Jewish religious divorce and American jurisprudence: a comparative study  Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 7 (1984), p. 351-377  
3. Justification and excuse in the Judaic and common law: the exculpation of a defendant charged with homicide  N.Y. University Law Review 52 (1977), p. 599-628  
4. The rights of the individual under American, Israeli, and halakhic law  Congress Monthly 45,3 (1978), p. 4-8: Lichtenstein, Aharon, The halakhic perspective  
5. Allen, Isaac  Comparisons between talmudic and American law  Tel Aviv-N.Y. 1960, 67 p. (Engl. sect. of a Hebr. book, Otzar Hamishpat no. 3501)  
6. Auerbach, Charles  The Talmud - a gateway to the common law  Western Reserve Law Review 3 (1951), p. 5-49; repr. Cleveland 1952, 49 p.  
7. Auerbach, Leopold  Das j?dische Obligationenrecht nach den Quellen und mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des romischen und deutschen Rechts. Vol 1: Umriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte des j?dischen Rechts; Die Natur der Obligation  Berlin 1870, 20 + 627 p.; 2nd ed. 1876, 16 + 22 + 626 p.; photo-repr. Gedera 1976, with introduction by Abraham M. Fuss  
8. Bailey, S.J.  Hebrew law and its influence on the law of England  Law Quarterly Review 47 (1931), p. 533-535  
9. Baron, A. Frank  Treatment of Jewish law in American decisions  Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 85-96  
10. Bartholomew, G.W.  Application of Jewish law in England  Malaya University Law Review 3 (1961), p. 83-111  
11. Bent, H.  Divorce and Jewish law: A study in comparative jurisprudence  Law Magazine and Review 23 (1898), p. 317 ff.*  
12. Bentwich, Norman  The recognition of Jewish law in private international jurisprudence  Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation = Journal of Comparative Legislation, N.S. 14 (1914), p. 304-313  
13. Bentwich, Norman  The application of Jewish personal law in the British, French and Italian Empire  Juridical Review 53 (1941), p. 118-133  
14. Bleich, J. David  Jewish divorce: judicial misconceptions and possible means of civil enforcement  Connecticut Law Review 16 (1983-84), p. 201-289  
15. Bleich, J. David  A suggested antenuptial agreement: a proposal in wake of Avitzur  Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 7 (1984), p. 25-41  
16. Braz, Isaac  The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American law; the influence of Jewish law  In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 161-168  
17. Broyde, Channah Sageev  The role of children in making health care decisions: a comparative study  National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 123-135  
18. Cohen, Hermann  Some notes on resemblances of Hebrew and English law  Jewish Quarterly Review 20 (1908), p. 784-797  
19. Colorni, Vittore  Legge ebraica e leggi locali. Ricerche sull'ambito d'applicazione del diritto ebraico in Italia dall'epoca romana al secolo XIX  Milano 1945, 391 p.   
20. Diamond, A.S.  Law and everyday life in the Hebrew kingdoms and 12th century England  Remember the days; essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth, 1966, p. 1-22  
21. Dick, Judah  Halacha and the conventional last will and testament  Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 2,1 (1982), p. 5-18 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 278-291  
22. Edles, Gary J.  Biblical parallels in American law  N.Y. State Bar Journal 49 (1977), p. 644-664 = Case and Comment 84 (1979), p. 10-17*  
23. Ehrman, A.  Christian interest in Rabbinics: John Selden (1585-1654)  Christian News from Israel 13,1 (1962), p. 22-25  
24. Ehrman, A.  Gentile interest in Jewish law: a chapter from Selden's 'De Successionibus'  Christian News from Israel 13,3-4 (1962), p. 31-37  
25. Ellenson, David; Ellenson, James S.  American courts and the enforceability of a Ketubah; an investigation of recent U.S. court decisions  Conservative Judaism 35,3 (1982), p. 35-42  
26. Engel, Diana R.  Marital property rights in Jewish law: a survey and comparison  National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 97-120  
27. Falk, Zeev W.  Jewish divorce in a Canadian court: Morris v. Morris (1973) Winnipeg Q.B. (1973) 3 W.W.R. 526  Israel Law Review 9 (1974) p. 440-443  
28. Fehr, Hans  Deutsches Recht und j?disches Recht  Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, (Germanist. Abt.) 39 (1918), p. 314-318  
29. Finestein, Israel  An aspect of the Jews and English marriage law during the Emancipation: The prohibited degrees  Jewish Journal of Sociology 7 (1965), p. 3-21  
30. Foltin, Richard  Legal reasoning in Talmud and common law  Nitzanim 2 (1983), p. 85-97  
31. Frankel, Emil  Das j?dische Eherecht nach dem Reichscivilehegesetz vom 6. Februar 1875  Munchen 1891, 128 p.  
32. Frazer, Barbara  Avitzur v. Avitzur; Jewish divorce and First Amendment  Rutgers Law Review 36 (1983-84), p. 887-914  
33. Freeman, M.D.A.  The status of a foreign 'Get' in Belgium  Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 228-229  
34. Freeman, M.D.A.  Jews and the law of divorce in England  Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 276-288  
35. Frenkel, Anna  Beth Din and the Australian court  Bridge (Sidney) 3,3-4 (1967), p. 45-48  
36. Friedell, Steven F.  The First Amendment and Jewish divorce; a comment on Stern v. Stern  Journal of Family Law 18 (1979-80), p. 525-535  
37. Friedell, Steven F.  Jewish divorce in American courts - the New York experience  Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 25-28  
38. Frimer, Dov I.  A selected English bibliography on the enforcement of Jewish divorce in the secular courts  Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), Engl. sect., p. 127-129  
39. Frimer, Dov I.  Medical examinations by order of the court and the right to privacy: the common law and Jewish law experienced  Israel Law Review 17 (1982), p. 96-103  
40. Glaser, Joseph B.  A new/old look at the Fifth Amendment - some help from the past  Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 29-40  
41. Goldfarb, Daniel C.  The definition of death in the common law and Jewish tradition  Conservative Judaism 30,2 (1976), p. 10-22.   
42. Goodman, Lenn Evan  Equality and human rights: the Lockean and the Judaic views  Judaism 25 (1976), p. 357-362  
43. Gordon, James M.  The right of the first refusal in condominium law and Matzranut - a comparative analysis  Decalogue Journal 33 (October 1987), p. 24-29  
44. Gordon, James W.  Mosaic code; some analogies and contrasts  Virginia State Bar Association 45 (1933), p. 218-249*  
45. Grafman, L. Elliot  Influence of Mosaic law upon the current legal systems  John Marshall Law Quarterly 2 (1937), p. 351-362*  
46. Halberstam, Malvina  The rationale for excluding incriminating statements; U.S. law compared to Jewish law  In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 177-190  
47. Haut, Irwin H.  Not getting a 'Get' can be a Jewish family law problem  New York Law Journal (August 17, 1981), p. 1 ff.*  
48. Henriques, H.S.Q.  The Jews and the English law  Oxford 1908, 25 + 324 p.; repr. 1974  
49. Henriques, H.S.Q.  Jewish marriages and the English law  London 1909, 59 p.  
50. Herzog, Isaac  John Selden and Jewish law  Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation = Journal of Comparative Legislation 3rd ser. 13 (1931), p. 236-245 = Judaism, law and ethics, London-Jerusalem-N.Y. 1974, p. 65-79  
51. Isaacs, Nathan  The influence of Judaism on Western law  In: The legacy of Israel, Oxford 1927, p. 377-406.   
52. Jacobs, Louis  The talmudic hermeneutical rule of 'Binyan Abh' and J.S. Mill's 'Method of Agreement'  Journal of Jewish Studies 4 (1953), p. 59-64 = Studies in talmudic logic and methodology, London 1961, p. 9-15  
53. Jones, David Phillip; Johnson, Alastair Bissett  Re: Morris and Morris: a case comment  McGill Law Journal 23 (1977), p. 110-117  
54. Jung, Moses (ed.)  The Jewish law of theft, with comparative references to Roman and English law  Philadelphia 1929, 6 + 145 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 1-151.   
55. Jurkowitz, Jed. W.  Talmudic and American tort  Arizona Law Journal 10 (1968), p. 473-483  
56. Kadouch, Lucien  Divorce juif et tribunaux civils francais  Montrouge 1935, 172 p.  
57. Kahan, Linda S.  Jewish divorce and secular courts: the promise of Avitzur  Georgetown Law Journal 73 (1984-85), p. 193-224  
58. Kahana, Koppel  Three great systems of jurisprudence (Jewish, Roman, English)  London 1955, 12 + 199 p.  
59. Kahane, Yehuda; Munk, Nathan; Slae, Menachem  Estimating bodily damages according to Jewish law: a comparative legal study  Jewish Law Association Studies 2 (1986), p. 103-141  
60. Katz-Halpern, Marcos David  Algunos aspectos comperativos entre el derecho procesal penal hebreo y el mexicano  Dissertation Mexico 1979, 7 + 354 p.  
61. Kisch, Guido  The influence of the Bible on medieval legal thought in England and Germany  8eme Congres International des Sciences historiques (n.d.), p. 473-475  
62. Kogan, Michael S.  Liberty and labor in the Jewish tradition  Ideas (Spring 1975), 8 p.  
63. Konvitz, Milton R.  Torah and Constitution; an American bicentennial lecture  Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 38 (1976), p. 54-67  
64. Lamm, Norman  The Fifth Amendment and its equivalent in the Halakhah  Judaism 5 (1956), p. 53-59  
65. Lamm, Norman; Kirschenbaum, Aaron  Freedom and constraint in the Jewish judicial process  Cardozo Law Review 1 (1979), p. 99-133  
66. Lehmann, Robert D.  Recognition of Bet Din jurisdiction in Kashrut matters (France)  Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 234-236  
67. Levinthal, Israel Herbert  The Jewish law of agency, with special reference to the Roman and the common law  Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 13 (1922-23), p. 117-191 = N.Y. 1923, 89 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 1 (1972), p. 1-89  
68. Levy, Renee  Le divorce juif et les conflits des lois qu'il peut engendrer  Paris 1929, 2 + 187 p.*  
69. Lewis, Mark F.  'To do justly'; the resolution of Jewish problems in American courts  Judaism 29 (1980), p. 110-121  
70. Lewis, Mark F.  Kashrut and controversy [American courts on the right to give Hechsher]  Judaism 34 (1985), p. 334-343  
71. Lincoln, F. Ashe  The Starra, their effect on early English law and administration  London 1939, 16 + 152 p.  
72. Lipschutz, Naphtali  Equity in Jewish, Roman and English law  Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jewish Law, p. IX,1-IX,4  
73. Maidment, Susan  Jewish marriage and divorce in English law  Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 93-121  
74. Mandelbaum, Simcha  The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American and Jewish law  American Journal of Comparative Law 5 (1956), p. 115-119  
75. Marmorstein, Bruno  A study in comparative law: Assessment of damage in English and Jewish law  L'eylah 2,6 (5744), p. 16-20  
76. Meislin, Bernard  The Ten Commandments in American law  In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 109-120  
77. Meislin, Bernard J.  Parallels between talmudic and New York usury laws  Comparative Studies in Society and History 9 (1966-67), p. 84-100  
78. Meislin, Bernard J.  Jewish law of marriage in American courts  Journal of Family Law 11 (1971), p. 271-284  
79. Meislin, Bernard J.  Jewish law in American tribunals  Israel Law Review 7 (1972), p. 349-360  
80. Meislin, Bernard J.  Jewish law in American tribunals  N.Y. 1976, 11 + 233 p.  
81. Meislin, Bernard J.  Jewish divorce in American courts  Journal of Family Law 16 (1977-78), p. 19-35  
82. Meislin, Bernard J.  Refusal to testify as a protected First Amendment religious right  Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 219-221  
83. Meislin, Bernard J.  Child custody: compelling a Jewish upbringing  Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 221-223  
84. Meislin, Bernard J.  Recognition of Bet Din jurisdiction  Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 223-224  
85. Meislin, Bernard J.  Civil courts enforcement of agreement to obtain a 'Get'  Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 224-227  
86. Meislin, Bernard J.  Varia Americana  Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 216-222  
87. Meislin, Bernard J.  Jewish law in America  Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 147-173  
88. Meislin, Bernard J.  Pursuit of the wife's right to a 'Get', in United States and Canadian courts  Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 250-271  
89. Meislin, Bernard J.  United States usury laws: The Bible, Bentham and the Jews  In: Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 143-171  
90. Meislin, Bernard J.  Maimonides and American case law  In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 269-283  
91. Morris, Jeffrey B.  The American Jewish judge: an appraisal on the occasion of Bicentennial  Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976), p. 195-223  
92. Morris, Trevor; Sher, Julian  A note on the status of Jewish marriages and divorces in the Republic of South Africa  Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), Engl. sect., p. 123-126  
93. Moyse, Gabrielle; Klein, Alexandre  Le Talmud de Babylone, ses lois morales et sociales, avec articles compares des codes francais, choisis par A. Klein  Paris 1926, 12 + 137 p.   
94. Parker, David M.  Law of Moses as embodied in our laws  Georgia Lawyer 1 (1930), p. 150, 163*  
95. Perelman, Chaim  Legal ontology and legal reasoning  Israel Law Review 16 (1981), p. 356-367  
96. Plato, Jonathan  Problems in the law of mistake in contracts. A study in Anglo-American law, with reference to Jewish law  Dissertation N.Y. 1957, 2 + 143 p.  
97. Posner, H.; Novak, David  Exclusionary rule: analysis of American and Jewish tradition  New York Law Journal 188 (1982), p. 71 ff.*  
98. Rabinowitz, Jacob J.  The common law mortgage and the conditional bond  University of Pennsylvania Law Review 92 (1943), p. 179-194 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 290-310  
99. Rabinowitz, Jacob J.  The origin of the common law warranty of real and of the inchoate right of dower  Cornell Law Quarterly (Sept. 1944), p. 77-94  
100. Rabinowitz, Jacob J.  The influence of Jewish law on the development of the common law  (Repr., n.p., n.d., p. 510-526).   
101. Radman, Barbara J.  Jewish divorce; what can be done in secular courts to aid the Jewish woman?  Georgia Law Review 19 (1984-85), p. 389-425  
102. Sautayra, E.; Charleville, Mahir  Code rabbinique: Eben Haezer de Josef Karo, traduit par extraits... avec la jurisprudence de la cour d'Alger et des notes comparatives de droit Francais et de droit musulman. 2 vols. in 1  Alger-Paris 1868-69  
103. Schaefer, Arthur Gross  Differing concepts of adequate consideration from common law and talmudic law: De minimis versus equity  National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 79-95  
104. Schechter, Martha Jean  Enforceability of religious law in secular courts - it's Kosher, but is it constitutional?  Michigan Law Review 71 (1972-73), p. 1641-1653  
105. Schwartz, Helene E.  Justice by the book: aspects of Jewish and American criminal law  N.Y. 1976, 107 p.  
106. Schwartz, Robert  Two sources of medieval business history (The responsa of Meir of Rothenburg and the Genoese cartularies)  American Journal of Legal History 2 (1958), p. 237-255  
107. Schwarz, Robert  Alfasi's responsa and the Genoese cartularies as sources of medieval business concepts  Journal of Public Law 7 (1958), p. 175-185  
108. Sellar, David  Leviticus XVIII, the forbidden degrees and the law of incest in Scotland  Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 229-232  
109. Shapiro, Judith A.  Shetar's effect on English law - a law of the Jews became the law of the land  Georgetown Law Journal 71 (1982-83), p. 1179-1200  
110. Shulman, Sandra S.  Civil involvement in Jewish divorce law  Annual Survey of American Law 4 (1985), p. 969-976  
111. Spitz, Elie  Pointers for American legislation on computer privacy: Insights from Jewish law  National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 63-77  
112. Spitzer, Samuel  Das Heer- und Wehrgesetz der alten Israeliten, im Vergleich zu den in Ungarn-Oesterreich bestehenden diesfalligen Bestimmungen  Pest 1869, 56 p.  
113. Spitzer, Samuel  Die j?dische Ehe nach mosaisch-talmudischen und den in Oesterreich bestehenden, besonders neuesten Ehegesetzen  Essek 1869, 26 p.  
114. Stone, Richard  American law and Halakhah: of change and permanence  Congress Monthly 45,3 (1978), p. 21-24.   
115. Tedeschi, Guido  Il diritto ebraico nell'Italia contemporanea  La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 12,7-9 (1937-38), p. 145-163  
116. Thiel, Jo. Siegismund  Principia jurisprudentiae judaicae per Germaniam communis  Halle 1790*  
117. Topol, Allan J.  Jewish law: a misapplication in New York  Israel Law Review 4 (1969), p. 578-582  
118. Tuchman, Is. N.  Jewish law custom and the courts of New York  Master Thesis, Yeshiva University 1975*  
119. Warburg, Ronald  Child custody: a comparative analysis  Israel Law Review 14 (1979), p. 480-503  
120. Warmflash, Lawrence M.  The New York approach to enforcing religious marriage contracts; from Avitzur to the Get statute  Brooklyn Law Review 50 (1984), p. 229-253  
121. Weiss, Abner  Affirmative action: halakhic perspectives  Tradition 17,3 (1978), p. 7-22  
122. Wohlgemuth, Joseph  Das j?dische Strafrecht und die positive Strafrechtsschule  Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage Abraham Berliners, 1903, p. 364-376  
123. Yankwich, Leon R.  An American judge looks at the Talmud  Los Angeles 1936, 20 p.   

ה. משפט השוואתי > משפט המערב > שונות

124. Amram, David Werner  The summons: a study in Jewish and comparative procedure  University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1919, p. 50-67 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 281-298  
125. Blau, Ludwig  Prosbol im Lichte der griechischen Papyri und der Rechtsgeschichte  Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen der Landesrabbinerschule in Budapest, 1927, p. 96-151  
126. Bottenheim, Paul  Etude sur le mariage d'apres le droit hebreu et l'application en Russie des lois hebraiques le regissant  Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Comparative 40 (1910-11), p. 233-264  
127. Breslauer, Bernhard  Parallelen zwischen j?dischem und deutschem Recht  Jahrbuch fur J?dische Geschichte und Literatur 10 (1907), p. 75-97  
128. Breuer, Isaac  Die rechtsphilosophischen Grundlagen des j?dischen und des modernen Rechts  Jahrbuch der J?disch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 8 (1910), p. 35-64  
129. Buddeus, Joh. Franciscus  Synopsis juris naturae et gentium iuxta disciplinam Ebraeorum  Halle 1695; 1704; 1718; 1780  
130. Cahn, Edmond  The Jewish contribution to law  Gates of Zion 16,1 (1961), p. 4-11 = The Jacob Dolnitsky memorial volume; studies in Jewish law, philosophy, literature and language, 1982, p. 59-69  
131. Derrett, J. Duncan M.  Jewish law in Southern Asia  International and Comparative Law Quarterly 13 (1964), p. 288-301  
132. Falk, Zeev W.  Zum fremden Einfluss auf das j?dische Recht  Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 18 (1971), p. 11-23  
133. Fluegel, Maurice  Spirit of the biblical legislation, in parallel with Talmud, Moralists, Casuists, New Testament, ancient and modern law, especially the social and political institutions  Baltimore 1893, 6 + 248 p.   
134. Fluegel, Maurice  The humanity, benevolence and charity legislation of the Pentateuch and the Talmud, in parallel with the laws of Hammurabi, the doctrines of Egypt, the Roman XII Tables and modern codes  Baltimore 1908, 7 + 307 p.  
135. Frankel, Zacharias  Mosaisches Recht und Hindurecht  Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 9 (1860), p. 321-331, 365-380, 406-416, 445-454  
136. Gerhard, Johann Ernst (praes.); Hoffmann, Christian (resp.)  Umbra in luce, sive consensus et dissensus religionum profanarum, Judaismi, Samaritanismi, Muhammedismi, Gingis-Chanismi atque paganismi, precipe moderni... cum veritate Christiana, sub umbella Joh. Ern. Gerhardus  Jena 1667, 6 + 196 p. (unn.); 2nd ed., Jena 1680, 4 + 196 p.  
137. Gershfield, Edward M.  The value of comparative law  Conservative Judaism 21,1 (1966), p. 49-56  
138. Green, L.C.  An international lawyer looks at comparative law  Israel Law Review 1 (1966), p. 580-592  
139. Happel, Julius  Der Eid im Alten Testament, vom Standpunkt der vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte aus betrachtet  Leipzig 1893, 4 + 72 p.  
140. Husik, Isaac  The law of nature, Hugo Grotius, and the Bible  Hebrew Union College Annual 2 (1925), p. 381-417.   
141. Isaacs, Nathan  'The law' and the law of change. A tentative study in comparative jurisprudence.  Cincinnati 1917, 38 p. (Reprinted from University of Pennsylvania Law Review 65)  
142. Jackson, Bernard S.  Some comparative legal history: Robbery and brigandage  Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 (1970), p. 45-105  
143. Jeiteles, Isidor  Fremdes Recht im Talmud  Jahrbuch der J?disch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 21 (1930), p. 109-128  
144. Kisch, Guido  The contribution of German Jews to law and jurisprudence  Essays on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Dropsie University, 1979, p. 265-272  
145. Lew, Julian D.M.  Jewish law - its development and its co-existence in the non-Jewish world  Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht 40 (1976), p. 101-122  
146. Maidment, Susan  The legal effect of religious divorces  Modern Law Review 37 (1974), p. 611-626  
147. Marsden, John Benjamin  The influence of the Mosaic Code upon subsequent legislation  London 1862, 8 + 303 p.  
148. Neubauer, Jacob  Beitr?ge zur Geschichte des biblisch-talmudischen Eheschliessungsrechts. Eine rechtsvergleichend-historische Studie  Leipzig 1920, 16 + 249 p.   
149. Rabinowitz, Jacob J.  Jewish law, its influence on the development of legal institutions  N.Y. 1956, 14 + 386 p.   
150. Rabinowitz, Jacob J.  Studies in legal history  Jerusalem 1958, 39 p.  
151. Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf  Die Methodenfrage beim j?dischen Recht als Schema einer Methodenfrage im allgemeinen innerhalb der vergleichenden Rechtswissenschaft  Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 33 (1916), p. 1-48  
152. Rosenne, Shabtai  The influence of Judaism on the development of international law  Nederlands Tijdschrift voor International Rechts 5 (1958), p. 119-149  
153. Segre, Augusto  Il Sabato ebraico, la Domenica cristiana, il Venerdi musulmano  La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 41 (1975), p. 325-338  
154. Speckhan, Eberhard (praes.); Dibben, Matthias (resp.)  Diatagmata Judaeorum, Judenordnung ex iure Caesareo et Pontificio concinnata  Dissertation Helmstadt 1683, 54 p.  
155. Sumner, William Graham  The status of women in Chaldea, Egypt, India, Judea and Greece to the time of Christ  The Forum, N.Y. 42 (1909), p. 113-136  
156. Tibi, Salomon  Le statut personnel des Israelites, et specialement des Israelites tunisiens  4 vols., Tunis 1921-23, 182 + 133 + 120 + 218 p.  
157. Vismara, Giulio  La donazione nuziale nel diritto ebraico e nelle fonti cristiane in relazione al diritto romano post-classico  Publicazioni della Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 2nd ser., scienze giuridiche 43 (1935), p. 295-406  
158. Volterra, Edoardo  Les rapports entre le droit romain et les droits de l'Orient  Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 2 (1955), p. 135-155  
159. Williams, Walter G.  Tension and harmony between classical prophecy and classical law  In: Transitions in biblical scholarship, ed. J. Coert Rylaardsdam, Chicago-London 1968, p. 71-91  
160. Yaron, Reuven  Jewish law and other legal systems of antiquity  Journal of Semitic Studies 4 (1959), p. 308-331  
161. Yaron, Reuven  Introduction to the law of the Aramaic papyri  Oxford 1961, 14 + 135 p.   
162. Yaron, Reuven  The restoration of marriage  Journal of Jewish Studies 17 (1966), p. 1-11  
163. Yaron, Reuven  Sponsalia inter decem testes  Juridical Review 1 (1966), p. 42-46  
164. Yaron, Reuven  Ad secundas nuptios convolare  Symbolae iuridicae et historiae Martine David dedicatae, vol. 1, 1968, p. 265-279  
165. Zweigert, K.  Methodological problems in comparative law  Israel Law Review 7 (1972), p. 465-474