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תוצאות חיפוש


ו. סדרי חברה ושלטון > קהילות - ארגון והנהגה. תקנות ופנקסי קהל > ארצות הברית > פילדלפיה

1. Morais, Henry Samuel  The Jews of Philadelphia, their history from the earliest settlement to the present time  Philadelphia 1894, 15 + 576 p.  
2. Wolf, Edwin; Whiteman, Maxwell  The history of the Jews of Philadelphia from colonial times to the age of Jackson  Philadelphia 1957, 15 + 534 p.; p. 114-145: The organization of religious life and the building of the first synagogue; p. 222-243: The establishment of a new synagogue and religious rules and problems; p. 244-263: The religious functionaries and the rel