1. | Baumgarten, Joseph M. | On the testimony of women in IQSa | Journal of Biblical Literature 76 (1957), p. 266-269 | |
2. | Ellinson, Getsel | Serving the Creator; a guide to rabbinic sources | Jerusalem 1986, 8 + 346 p. Vol. 1: Woman and the mitzvot | |
3. | Gans, Eduard | Die Grundzuge des mosaisch-talmudischen Erbrechts | Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, ed. Zunz, 1 (1822-23), p. 419-471 | |
4. | Goldfeld, Anne | Women as sources of Torah in the rabbinic tradition | Judaism 24 (1975), p. 245-256 | |
5. | Hoenig, Sidney B. | The wife-sister motif, its effect on tannaitic laws of mourning | Zer li'Gevurot, The Zalman Shazar Jubilee volume, 1973, Engl. sect., p. 742-752 | |
6. | Mendelssohn, Moses; Levin, Hirschel | Ritualgesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften, Vormundschaftssachen, Testamente und Ehesachen,... entworfen... auf Veranlassung und unter Aufsicht... R. Hirschel Lewin | Berlin 1778; 3rd ed., Berlin 1793, 20 + 221 p.; 4th ed., Berlin 1799, 32 + 198 p.; 5th ed., Berlin 1826, 24 + 183 p.; Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 6, Leipzig 1845, p. 1-118; Gesammelte Schriften Jubilaumsausgabe, vol. 7, Berlin 1930 p. 109-251 (with introd | |
7. | Muller, D.H. | Zum Erbrecht der Tochter | Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes 19 (1905), p. 389-392 | |
8. | O'Connor, M. | The women in the Book of Judges | Hebrew Annual Review 10 (1986), p. 277-293 | |
9. | Seldin, Ruth R. | Women in the synagogue. A congregant's view | Conservative Judaism 32,2 (1979), p. 80-88 | |
10. | Sigal, Phillip | Women in a prayer quorum | Judaism 23 (1974), p. 174-182 | |
11. | Tofield, Sanders A. | Woman's place in the rites of the synagogue | Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 19 (1955), p. 182-190 | |