1. | Barton, George Aaron | Blood-Relationship | Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 268-270 | |
2. | Benzinger, Immanuel | Kinship | Encyclopedia Biblica 2, p. 2672-2676 | |
3. | Bigger, S.F. | The family laws of Leviticus 18, in their setting | Journal of Biblical Literature 98 (1979), p. 187-203. | |
4. | Bornstein, David Josef | Inzest | Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 8, p. 461-468 | |
5. | Cohn, Haim H. | Incest | Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1316-1318 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 487-488 | |
6. | Cohn, Haim H. | Sexual offences | Encyclopedia Judaica 14, p. 1207-1208 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 485-487 | |
7. | Cohn, Marcus | Priesterehe | J?disches Lexikon 4, p. 1122-1123 = Worterbuch des J?dischen Rechts, p. 135-136 | |
8. | Davis, J.J. | Incest (in the Bible) | New Catholic Encyclopedia 7, p. 419-420 | |
9. | Dwight, Sereno Edwards | The Hebrew wife; or the law of marriage, examined in relation to the lawfulness of polygamy, and to the extent of the law of incest | N.Y. 1836, 4 + 189 p.; Glasgow 1837, 8 + 148 p. | |
10. | Eisenstein, Judah David; Broyde, Isaac | Incest | Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 571-575 | |
11. | Elliger, Karl | Das Gesetz Leviticus 18 | Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 67 (1955), p. 1-25 | |
12. | Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana | Consanguinidad | Vol. 3, p. 146-147 | |
13. | Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana | Incesto | Vol. 5, p. 601-602 | |
14. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Interdict of holiness אסור קדושה | Vol. 2, p. 460-461 | |
15. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Interdicts in virtue of a commandment אסור מצוה | Vol. 2, p. 458 | |
16. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | A woman raped by one's father אנוסת האב | Vol. 2, p. 409-410 | |
17. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Mother (B) - an incest interdict אם | Vol. 2, p. 310-313 | |
18. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Paternal uncle (a father's brother) אחי האב | Vol. 1, p. 569-570 | |
19. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Maternal aunt (a mother's sister) אחות האם | Vol. 1, p. 559-562 | |
20. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | A wife's sister אחות אשה | Vol. 1, p. 547-556 | |
21. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Sister אחות | Vol. 1, p. 543-547 | |
22. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Brother - the fraternal relationship אח | Vol. 1, p. 536-540 | |
23. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Resultant Interdicts אביזריהו | Vol. 1, p. 73-75 | |
24. | Encyclopedia Talmudica | Father - an interdict of sodomy (אב (עריות | Vol. 1, p. 21-22 | |
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26. | Felsenthal, B. | Marriage between uncle and niece | Chicago Legal News 14 (1882), p. 327-328* | |
27. | Finestein, Israel | An aspect of the Jews and English marriage law during the Emancipation: The prohibited degrees | Jewish Journal of Sociology 7 (1965), p. 3-21 | |
28. | Halbe, Jorn | Die Reihe der Inzestverbote Leviticus 18, 7-18 | Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 92 (1980), p. 60-88 | |
29. | Hoffner, Harry A., Jr. | Incest, sodomy and bestiality in the ancient Near East | Orient and Occident, essays presented to Cyrus H. Gordon on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, 1973, p. 81-90 | |
30. | Kirschner, Bruno | Unzucht | J?disches Lexikon 5, p. 1125-1128 | |
31. | Kitto, John | Affinity | Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature, 1863-66, 1, p. 78 | |
32. | Krauss, Samuel | Die Ehe zwischen Onkel und Nichte | Studies in Jewish literature, issued in honor of... Kaufmann Kohler, 1913, p. 165-175 | |
33. | Lesetre, Henri | Inceste | Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 864-867 | |
34. | Liff, Dennis M. | Forbidden sexual relations in rabbinic literature | Dissertation Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1974, 3 + 78 p. | |
35. | Luria, Salomo | Tochterschandung in der Bibel | Archiv Orient lni 33 (1965), p. 207-208 | |
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37. | Markon, Isaak | Blutsverwandten, Ehen unter - | J?disches Lexikon 1, p. 1088-1090 | |
38. | Michaelis, Johann David | Abhandlung von den Ehegesetzen Mosis welche die Heyrathen in die nahe Freundschaft untersagen | 2nd ed., Gottingen 1768, 16 + 366 + 17 p. | |
39. | Nemoy, Leon | Two controversial points in the Karaite law of incest | Hebrew Union College Annual 49 (1978), p. 247-266 | |
40. | Ricks, Stephen D. | Kinship bars to marriage in Jewish and Islamic law | In: Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions, eds. William M. Brinner and Stephen D. Ricks, Atlanta 1986, p. 123-141 | |
41. | Schereschewsky, Ben Zion | Prohibited marriage | Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 1051-1054 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 360-363 | |
42. | Sellar, David | Leviticus XVIII, the forbidden degrees and the law of incest in Scotland | Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 229-232 | |
43. | Siegfried, C. | Unzucht | Kurzes Bibelworterbuch, Guthe, p. 696-697 | |
44. | Theilhaber, Felix Aron | Inzucht bei den Juden | J?disches Lexikon 3, p. 28-30 | |
45. | Trier, Johann Wolfgang (praes.); Puschel, Chr. Lud.(resp.) | Dissertatio juridica de proportione servata in lege mosaica de incestu | Dissertation Frankf.a.O. 1726, 3 + 20 p. | |
46. | Yaron, Reuven | Duabus sororibus coniunctio | Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 10 (1963), p. 115-136 | |