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תוצאות חיפוש


יב. משפחה. ירושה > קידושין ונישואין > שונות

1. Encyclopedia Talmudica  No man practices sexual intercourse as an immoral act אין אדם עושה בעילתו בעילת זנות  Vol. 1, p. 679-689  
2. Hirt, Johann Friedrich הלכות אישות פרק עשירי ; seu, Rabbi Mosis ben Maimon Tractatus de matrimonio ebraeorum caput decimum. Adiecta sunt puncta vocalia et accentus, versio latina nec non annotationes multae, ita ut instar commentationes de nuptiis Ebraeorum  Jena 1746, 3 + 52 p.  
3. Hoenig, Samuel N.  Halakhot Gedolot - Hilkhot Kiddushin: a study in early gaonic codification  Dissertation N.Y. 1975, 9 + 293 p.  
4. Lewis, Naphtali; Katzoff, Ranon; Greenfield, Jonas C.  Papyrus Yadin 18. 1: Text, translation and notes. 2: Legal commentary. 3: The aramaic subscription.  Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987), p. 229-250  
5. Livneh, Ernst  On rape and the sanctity of matrimony  Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 415-422  
6. Luckock, H.M.  The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce and certain forbidden degrees  London 1894, 20 + 327 p.; 2nd. ed. 1895, 26 + 359 p.  
7. Mann, Abraham M.  Who said it first? The antiquity of 'Be thou my wife'  Proceedings, 9th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1986), Sect. C: Jewish Thought and Literature, p. 39-45  
8. Meislin, Bernard J.  Jewish law of marriage in American courts  Journal of Family Law 11 (1971), p. 271-284  
9. Mielziner, Moses  The marriage agenda  Central Conference of American Rabbis, Yearbook 1 (1890-91), p. 34-42  
10. Richter, Johann Tobias (praes.); Wagner, J.G. (resp.)  Jus matrimonii Judaeorum in Germania tum inter se tum si alter coniux ad sacra Christianorum transiit  Dissertation Leipzig 1751, 32 p.  
11. Rubinstein, Amnon  The right to marriage  Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 3 (1973), p. 233-255  
12. Schauss, Hayyim  The lifetime of a Jew  Cincinnati 1950; p. 125-219: Courtship and marriage  
13. Schechter, Martha Jean  Civil enforcement of the Jewish marriage contract  Journal of Family Law 9 (1969-70), p. 425-432  
14. Westbrook, Raymond  The prohibition on restoration of marriage in Deuteronomy 24: 1-4  Scripta Hierosolymitana 31 (1986), p. 387-405  
15. Yaron, Reuven  Aramaic marriage contracts from Elephantine  Journal of Semitic Studies 3 (1958), p. 1-39  
16. Yaron, Reuven  The restoration of marriage  Journal of Jewish Studies 17 (1966), p. 1-11  
17. Yaron, Reuven  Sponsalia inter decem testes  Juridical Review (1966), p. 42-46  
18. Yaron, Reuven  Ad secundas nuptios convolare  Symbolae iuridicae et historiae Martine David dedicatae, vol. 1, 1968, p. 265-279