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יב. משפחה. ירושה > פקיעת נישואין > הפקעת קדושין. 'כל דמקדש אדעתא דרבנן מקדש'

1. Aronson, David; Simon, Ralph; Faber, Salamon  Kedat Moshe Veyisrael  Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 15 (1951), p. 120-145  
2. Choueka, A.  Note sur la 'Haphka'ath Kiddouchine'  Traite d'Union Israelite 9,78-79 (1960), p. 29-30  
3. Encyclopedia Talmudica  Rabbinical annulment of Kidushin אפקעינהו רבנן לקידושין מיניה Vol. 2, p. 590-598  
4. Epstein, Louis M.  Marriage annulment and Jewish life  Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly (1928), p. 71-83  
5. Faber, Salamon  K'dath Beth Din shel Knesioth Harabonim  Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 16 (1952), p. 205-211  
6. Novak, David  Annulment in lieu of divorce in Jewish law  Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 188-206 = Halakhah in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 29-44  
7. Rakefet (Rothkoff), Aaron  Annulment of marriage within the context of cancellation of the Get  Tradition 15,1-2 (1975), p. 173-185