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תוצאות חיפוש


יב. משפחה. ירושה > מין

1. Ascher, Maurice  The adolescent in sex and education. With introduction by Beatrice S. Genn and epilogue by Leo Jung  Jewish Forum 10 (1927), p. 6-12, 62-67  
2. Ascher, Maurice  Sexuelle Fragen vom Standpunkte des Judentums  Frankf.a.M. 1922, 89 p.  
3. Baab, O.J.  Sex, sexual behavior  The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 296-301  
4. Berman, Myron  Sex and the Jewish teenager  Religious Education 65 (1970), p. 415-421  
5. Borowitz, Eugene B.  Choosing a sex ethic, a Jewish enquiry  N.Y. 1969, 181 p.  
6. Brav, Stanley R.  Since Eve; a Bible-inspired sex ethic for today  N.Y. 1959, 204 p.  
7. Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana  Sexo  Vol. 9, p. 553-562  
8. Feldman, David M.  Homosexuality and Jewish law  Judaism 32 (1983), p. 426-429  
9. Freundel, B.  Homosexuality and Judaism  Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 11 (1986), p. 70-87  
10. Gilbert, Maurice  La Bible et l'homosexualite  Notes on Translation 109,1 (1987), p. 78-95  
11. Goldman, Alex J.  Homosexuality  In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 192-210  
12. Goldman, Alex J.  Pre-marital sex  In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 238-246  
13. Gordis, Robert  Love and sex: a modern Jewish perspective  N.Y. 1978, 12 + 290 p.   
14. Gordis, Robert  Sex in Judaism  Congress Monthly 45,1 (1978), p. 10-13  
15. Gordis, Robert  Sex and family in the Jewish tradition  N.Y. 1967, 64 p.  
16. Grossman, L.  The pornography issue: a Jewish view  N.Y. 1984*  
17. Herring, Basil F.  Homosexuality  In: Jewish ethics and Halakhah for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 175-196  
18. Horner, Tom. M.  Sex in de bijbel  Assen 1975, 13 + 184 p.  
19. Horner, Tom. M.  Jonathan loved David. Homosexuality in biblical times  Philadelphia 1978, 161 p.   
20. Kohn, Eugene  Religious sanctions for the sex-guidance of modern Jewish youth  Reconstructionist 1,15 (1935), p. 6-14  
21. Kruijf, T.C. de  De Bijbel over Sexualiteit  Roermond 1963, 103 p.  
22. Kruijf, T.C. de  La sessualita nella Bibbia  2nd ed., Bari 1968, 114 p.  
23. Lamm, Norman  Judaism and the modern attitude to homosexuality  Encyclopedia Judaica Yearbook (1974), p. 194-205 = Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 197-218 = Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 375-399  
24. Levy, Jacob  Die sexuelle Not in j?discher Schau  Frankf.a.M. 1932, 82 p.  
25. Loeffler, G.  Geschlechtlichkeit und Sittlichkeit  Der Morgen 1 (1925), p. 84-100  
26. Martin, A. Damien  The Perennial Canaanites, the sin of homosexuality  Et Cetera 41 (1984), p. 340-361  
27. Matt, Hershel J.  Sin, crime, sickness or alternative life style? A Jewish approach to homosexuality  Judaism 27 (1978), p. 13-24  
28. Mihaly, Eugene  Responsum on homosexuality  Cincinnati n.d., 2 + 12 p.  
29. Muller, Josef  Das sexuelle Leben der Hebraer  In: Das sexuelle Leben der alten Kultur-Volker, Leipzig 1902, p. 124-143  
30. Muntner, Sussmann  Sexology in the Bible and Talmud  Medicinea Contemporana 79 (1961), p. 63-74  
31. Novak, David  Some aspects of the relationship of sex, society, and G-d in Judaism  In: Contemporary ethical issues in the Jewish and Christian traditions, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn, Hoboken 1986, p. 140-166  
32. Orbach, William  Homosexuality and Jewish law  Journal of Family Law 14 (1975-76), p. 353-383  
33. Patai, Raphael  Sex and family in the Bible and the Middle East  N.Y. 1959, 282 p.   
34. Preuss, Julius  Sexuelles in Bibel und Talmud  Allgemeine Medicinische Central Zeitung 73 (1906), 37 p.  
35. Rabin, Else  Sexualethische Prinzipien und j?discher Volksgeist  In: Hygiene und Judentum, ed. Hans Goslar, Dresden 1930, p. 30-33  
36. Schenkel, Daniel  Geschlechtsverkehr (ehelicher)  Bibel-Lexikon, hrsg. Daniel Schenkel, 2, p. 430-431  
37. Schindler, R.  Homosexuality, the Halachah, and the helping professions  Journal of Jewish Communal Service 55 (1979), p. 132 ff*  
38. Schwartz, Barry Dov  Judaism and homosexuality  Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 40 (1978), p. 108-114  
39. Scorer, C.G.  The Bible and sex ethics today  London 1966, 124 p.  
40. Spar, Elliott T.  Pre-marital and extra-marital relationship  Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 40 (1978), p. 78-86  
41. Spath  Keuschheit, Keuschheitsgesetze  Bibel-Lexikon, hrsg. Daniel Schenkel, 3, p. 524-526  
42. Spero, Moshe Halevi  Homosexuality: clinical and ethical challenges  Tradition 17,4 (1979), p. 53-73  
43. Spero, Moshe Halevi  Further examination of the halakhic status of homosexuality  Proceedings, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists 7 (1983), p. 99-122  
44. Spira, Moses A.  Die Wertung des Sexus im Alten Testament  Dissertation Munchen 1964, 142 p.  
45. Theilhaber, Felix Aron; Kirschner, Bruno  Sexualhygiene der Juden  J?disches Lexikon 5, p. 384-387  
46. Trible, Phyllis  The Bible without sexism  Jewish Spectator 40,1 (1975), p. 49-53  
47. Trible, Phyllis  G-d and the rhetoric of sexuality  Philadelphia 1978, 17 + 206 p.