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30. | Muntner, Sussmann | Sexology in the Bible and Talmud | Medicinea Contemporana 79 (1961), p. 63-74 | |
31. | Novak, David | Some aspects of the relationship of sex, society, and G-d in Judaism | In: Contemporary ethical issues in the Jewish and Christian traditions, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn, Hoboken 1986, p. 140-166 | |
32. | Orbach, William | Homosexuality and Jewish law | Journal of Family Law 14 (1975-76), p. 353-383 | |
33. | Patai, Raphael | Sex and family in the Bible and the Middle East | N.Y. 1959, 282 p. | |
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36. | Schenkel, Daniel | Geschlechtsverkehr (ehelicher) | Bibel-Lexikon, hrsg. Daniel Schenkel, 2, p. 430-431 | |
37. | Schindler, R. | Homosexuality, the Halachah, and the helping professions | Journal of Jewish Communal Service 55 (1979), p. 132 ff* | |
38. | Schwartz, Barry Dov | Judaism and homosexuality | Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 40 (1978), p. 108-114 | |
39. | Scorer, C.G. | The Bible and sex ethics today | London 1966, 124 p. | |
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42. | Spero, Moshe Halevi | Homosexuality: clinical and ethical challenges | Tradition 17,4 (1979), p. 53-73 | |
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